Before we start the escorts script installation, there are a couple of prerequisites that need to be met in order to install it successfully : we recommend your hosting have a control panel like cPanel or Plesk , have SSD DISK(recommended) storage, 4 GB Memory(recommended), 2 Core Processor(recommended).
If you don’t have a host provider already, we have few recommendations:
Our server recommendation is
1. Register on Vultr:
Option 1: Client Register, then add us as a new user and we set up the server, we do all the settings and install the script (free).
Option 2: Client register and set up the server themselves (we can assist if needed) and then give us a Plesk admin login, we do all the setup and install the script (free).
Server deploy steps: – recommended: KVM 2
Whether you have a dedicated server or VPS hosting server, it needs to meet the following requirements:
- Linux
- PHP 7.4
- MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater
- Apache 2.2 or greater (with mod_mysql,mod_mysqli, mod_xml, mod_zlib, php zip)
- Apache Rewrite Module
- PHP GD Library 2.x
- cURL Library
- CDN disabled
- SSL Certificate Installed
- ionCube Loader required, version 12 or 13 of IonCube, ionCube loader is a PHP extension for decoding encrypted PHP files at runtime. It is free and you can install it quite easily, see
- memory_limit set at 512MB or higher(recommended)
- max_input_vars set at 1000000
- max_execution_time set at 300
- max_input_time set at 600
- The eval() PHP function must be enabled.
- PHP zip extension must be enabled.
- Multibyte String extension (mbstring) must be enabled.
- 4 GB Memory (recommended) Physical Memory, referred to as RAM, determines how much data is stored in memory for quick access by your site. The more RAM you have, the faster your site performance is for visitors.
- 2 Core Processor (recommended) CPU is the processing power available to your site. The more processing power you have, the faster calculations are performed and the greater your computing power
- SSD Disk (recommended)
- Cpanel or Plesk control panel
- allow_url_fopen = on (To enable this functionality, use a text editor to modify the allow_url_fopen directive in the php.ini file)
- output_buffering = on (To enable this functionality, use a text editor to modify the output_buffering directive in the php.ini file)
- MySQL Database you’ll need access to a MySQL database, as well as the following credentials.
- DB Name
- Host Name
- Username
- Password
- FTP Client Username and Password for transferring files to your server. If you don’t already have an FTP client that you use, we recommend Filezilla (ensure transfers are set to Binary)